Sharpe National Area

Break A State!

April 1st - June 30th, 2020

DEADLINE to Break A State & earn a  gift from Kristin
is June 30th!


There can be up to 2 Queens for each state, plus Puerto Rico!

Be the FIRST Consultant or Director to:

1- Add a new Team Member from that state

2- Hold a Qualified Virtual Party with a

hostess from that state

(Qualified = $300+ retail sales & 3+ guests

backed by a $150 wholesale order.)

When you accomplish one of these, please text my assistant, Lauren, at 404-545-5357 or voxer sharpeareamanager and let her know! 

Please include:

Your name

The state

Either who your new team member is, or who the hostess was, sales amount & # of guests.

The Queen titles are FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE!  YOU MUST report your information ASAP to be sure you Break that State!

It is the Consultants responsibility to report your information!

Updates will be posted when a new state is broken.

Check out the states that have already been broken as of 4/1!

(There can be up to TWO Queens per state!)

New Team Member Added

Miss Alabama- Caren Higdon
Miss Arizona
-  Ebony Brinson

Miss Florida-  Joan Payne-Gordon

Miss Georgia- Olivia Shockley

Miss Idaho- Sarina Vongnakhone
Miss Indiana- Marian Ivey
Miss Massachusetts- Dagmar Leininger

Miss Michigan- Chinyere Crutcher
Miss Mississippi- Michelle Coile
Miss Missouri- Jessica Dooley

Miss Nevada- Sandra Martinez-Chicas
Miss New Jersey- Barbie Bartelt

Miss New Mexico- Lou Bryant
Miss New York- Yasmil Mendoza

Miss Ohio- Lisa Zver
Miss Puerto Rico- Leanabelle Rivera
Miss Tennessee- Marian Ivey

Miss Texas- Amber Richardson

Miss Utah- Kathi Sjoberg
Miss Virginia- Barbara Thomas

Miss Washington- Areba Leonard

New Hostess with Qualified Party Added

Miss Colorado- Barbie Bartelt
Miss Florida- Barbie Bartelt
Miss Georgia- Michelle Coile
Miss Iowa- Nicole Kettler
Miss Minnesota- Barbie Bartelt
Miss Missouri- Nicole Kettler
Miss New Jersey-
Barbie Bartelt
Miss New Mexico- Joy Vigeant
Miss New York- Serena Emerson
Miss Ohio- Lisa Zver
Miss Tennessee- Elizabeth Robbins
Miss Texas- Elizabeth Robbins

Miss Washington- Lindsey Christenson

Our goal is to share the MK opportunity & products with every state plus Puerto Rico!

